This page allows you to Find a doctor, dentist, or other health care provider using many different criteria. It is a dynamic page that displays new content on the page through various controls like text and combo boxes.

Find a doctor, dentist, or other health care provider

  • williams, jack
  • St. John, Amy
  • Smith
  • Saint Peter Hospital
  • 01201
  • Great Barrington, MA
  • adams, ma

To find a hospital, choose hospital in the specialist drop down menu above.

Specialty vision care
To find a vision care specialist, choose "Ophthalmology" in the "Specialist" drop-down menu above.


  Search for additional specialists on our partners’ websites

Behavioral health provider (This link takes you away from this website.)  –  Search for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, applied behavior analysis (ABA) providers, mental health facilities and more on Carelon’s website. Enter “Massachusetts” as your state and “Fallon Health” as your health plan.  

Chiropractor (This link takes you away from this website.)  Search for a chiropractor.
Routine eye exams and optical shops (This link takes you away from this website.) –  A routine eye exam is an examination where an eye doctor checks your vision and your eye health.

If you need help finding a health care provider, or if you would like to ask for information about a health care provider’s race or ethnicity, please contact us at 1-855-203-4660 (TRS 711), Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Eastern time.